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Here you'll know what I am planning to do and when.I'm also listing the updates I make.

July 8,2001:I've added the emulation section so that people can download any emulator for different systems.
July 8,2001:I've added the games section.The only uploaded two games that day.There will be more very soon!!!!
July 8,2001:I've added the DragonBall Z Pictures section.There you'll find various pictures of different characters turning ssjand just some normal pictures.
July 8,2001:I've added the Updates page.There you'll find out when I'll update page and the day I update the pages.
July 9,2001:I've added the theme song to this webpage.It is at the bottom of the Home section.
July 10,2001:I've added the banner in the home section.Please click the banner.This banner supports my website and urges me to continue to update it.If I get atleast 500+ clicks a month,I'll be sure to update this website daily with new games,pictures,animations,and screenshots!!!
August Updates
This month I've added many many updates.I've added a new template and basically more games.I've also added an animation section and two picture sections.I've added the guest book, message boards, and daily cartoons.I also have a especial offer to everyone fan of mine.I have a memeber area which is only for staff and members which have many episodes.I am gonna make a episodes page which will have a episodes in it and some movies.I hope you will enjoy them and if you have any request please email me at Dbzcentral276@aol.com